Mom Friendly Tops and Accessories

Happy Monday!
Little one has digressed on his sleep patterns, but I should still be considering myself lucky that he’s giving me for the most part a 6 hour stretch!
One thing toward the end of my pregnancy that started to hit me, along with fall temps and a ever expanding belly, was how excited I was to get back into regular clothing! However, the one thing I did not account for was breastfeeding! I have finally found my rotation of tops that make it work and yet still make me feel put together. Between the layering technique (tank top under anything that way you can simply pull up the outer layer), button downs (I favor a classic Equipment blouse a la Equipment Zebra Blouse although I get silk may not be the greatest mix with a leaky breast), and classic wrap shirts. Scarves are also great to drape over shoulder or cover up baby; although to be honest I haven’t mastered that yet in public. Throw on some comfy flats and the weekday uniform has been set!
Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
xo Hil
Momma Friendly Tops and Accessories

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